英語教師が顔面麻痺 で鍼に会い鍼灸師に そしてうつ病と闘う

英語教師として男性社会を生き抜いてきた つもり。 英語で子育ても したつもり。 第1 臨月で発症した顔面神経麻痺。 鍼灸との出会い。 T OE IC( 過去最高 940 ) や 大学入試。 教育制度への疑問。 51 歳で鍼灸師国家資格に合格。 仕事と勉強の究極の後に待っていたものは、うつ病での休職。 東洋医学では、 胃系の病、顔面神経麻痺、胃潰瘍、うつ病 との 闘いの日々を綴りたい。 顔面神経麻痺との闘い、教育への疑問は「女の顔が歪んだら」「しないから続いた」文芸社 に 発表。 HP http://kanon.a.la9.jp

カテゴリ: English

My son took a cold shower every morning.  His room was so crowded with many bpys.

We have a saying " Unagi no Nedoko" , which mean " the beds of eels" .  My husband and I

were so surprised to see that.  We tried to have our daughter go to the Girls' High" but it was

totally different from the Boys' High.  The security was so restrict and our daughter did not

want to go just beause it looked like Japanese school. 

I forgot what they call dormitory there.  Maybe it is board.

His birthday is in March, so they had him enter the one year younger than in Japan as

the school year starts in January there.  They made the students get up at 5 a.m.  ,run with

bear foot and  swim.  After that,  the students took showers and went to classes --- of course

fell asllep.  That made him delighted as he did not commute to school and there were a lot of


The school wanted some Japanese boy students as they had several girl students at the Girls School but didn't have any boy student at the Boys' High School.  Our son had had a hard time to commute to a kind far away school and to study a lot for the entrance exams.  Sports is the kye word for him. 
A lot of sports and dormitory like Harry Potter's maybe fascinated him.  It us a beautiful country.

13 years ago, my son sent to New Zealand to study.  We thought he would study there for just one year.

He was 13 years old and never came back. He is a dentist now in New Zealand.  More than 13 years have 

passed since he he went there.   I wrote this story just a couple minutes ago, but I lost.  I rerultuntly began 

to write again fot our memory.  I encouraged my son to write himself, but he wouldn't.
